Ole!¨ on Patrick Sebastien 26 June 2015 HD ! Guitar and Comedy

„Le Plus Grande Cabaret Du Monde“with Patrick Sebastien.
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#guitar #comedy #live
Paul Morocco and his band with Great music ,playing Great Guitar and fun music for you !
Flamenco Blues music on this amazing show.
Ole has travel the world with its international show and their mad 3 guitars.
As Excellent Musicians they played Guitar like awesome artists and make you laugh with a efficient sense of humor with many jokes on stage.
Ole and Paul Morocco has been on the BBC Jonathan Ross and on Got Talent in Slovenia and has performed show in Russia, France, Usa, Australia, Germany ,UK, Japan, Thailand Hong kong, and in around 80 countries.
Soon on Das supertalent in Germany in 2020 in the finals.
Ole has also played in Netherlands, USA, Japan, Swizterland,Portugal, Spain, Canada in many famous television shows like „Just for laughs“ festival.