Kdo jsou „Cikáni“? – Who Are The ‚Gypsies‘?

The United Kingdom once ruled a fourth of the entire world’s population, but where does it stand on the power scale today?
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The British Empire was once the world’s largest global power, thriving for over four centuries / for over 400 years. With a history like that, it begs the question: just how powerful is the UK today? TestTube Daily takes a look at the world’s first superpower and its influence in modern times.
To learn why the UK might be departing from the EU, click here: http://testu.be/1p320qJ
Learn More:
The Sad, Dark End of the British Empire
„During the 19th and early 20th centuries, Britain had dominion over so many portions of the Earth it was said, famously, that „the sun never set on the British Empire.“ Since the end of World War II, however, that sun has been steadily dipping toward the horizon. Today, sundown is truly at hand.“
These Photos Show Why Britain’s Small Military Is So Powerful
The Global Financial Centres Index15
GFCI Ranks and Ratings for 2014
Department for International Development: UK Aid Syria Response
„As conflict continues in Syria, millions of people are in desperate need of assistance. The UK has committed ?700 million of support in response to the humanitarian crisis, including food, medical care and relief items for over a million people in Syria and the region.“
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Strength of Nations Playlist
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